Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hello World

It's January 2015 the last year I will be in my forties. I have had a lot of great things that has happened to me, as well as some bad things, but all in all I have a had a pretty great life thus far. I have been meaning to start a blog but you know how stuff happens. This year I am working on more DOING. I had success, (also lost it, that's another post) and from that I learned if you want something you have to plan it, then execute it. You must then keep on working on it. So, this is the first post of my new blog. I have a million things I want to say and share. It will take some mind organization if you will, to get it all out cohesively. My plan is to do a little every week, and hopefully I build a cohesive blog full of information, experience or motivation. I feel great, day 1 ,blog number 1 , DONE. :)

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