Thursday, January 29, 2015

Dieting: You win some you lose some.


I have done so many diets, I am basically not allowed to talk about diets in front of my children. They don't want to hear anything about calories, carbs, or anything.  I would have to say that I have been a yo yo dieter my whole life. As I am getting into mid life I am finding it even harder to stay below 200 pounds. In the last 7 years I have been in atleast 5 weight loss challenges. The first one I was in was a company wide challenge which I ended up winning the womans portion of the challenge and I won 1500.00 dollars from my company for losing 39 pounds (bringing me to 180 pounds). I want to say that this was in like 2009/2010. Our company sponsered three more challanges in which I didn't win anything. The first challenge I worked really hard at working out and counting calories. It was a long challenge, I think 5 or 6 months long. (on a side note I did gain back that weight but it took like 2 years) Since then I have been in weight loss challenges that my coworkers and I would hold among each other. Each of us putting up 100 dollars and going for 3 or 4 months. I have not won any of these but I did always end up losing 20 pounds at least on each of them. 100 bucks 20 pounds totally worth it to me, lol.
Well I'm in a weight loss challenge and I'm doing Atkins. Now the feeling better and more energy part is working but I've yet to lose any substantial weight. I have been Atkins for almost 3 weeks. I've lost 6 pounds. Everything I've read though says to give it time. There is only less than 3 weeks left so idk we will see. I am in ketosis, I check with the strips. Anyway my weight today is 200, hopefully I can lose more by the time we weigh in on Feb 23, 2015.

Update March 4, 2015
Well I didn't win the weight loss challenge. I did lose 26 pounds, worth 100 bucks to me. I am continuing on my diet though I would like to get to 175 before I quit. I weigh 192 pounds today.

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