Thursday, January 29, 2015

Dieting: You win some you lose some.


I have done so many diets, I am basically not allowed to talk about diets in front of my children. They don't want to hear anything about calories, carbs, or anything.  I would have to say that I have been a yo yo dieter my whole life. As I am getting into mid life I am finding it even harder to stay below 200 pounds. In the last 7 years I have been in atleast 5 weight loss challenges. The first one I was in was a company wide challenge which I ended up winning the womans portion of the challenge and I won 1500.00 dollars from my company for losing 39 pounds (bringing me to 180 pounds). I want to say that this was in like 2009/2010. Our company sponsered three more challanges in which I didn't win anything. The first challenge I worked really hard at working out and counting calories. It was a long challenge, I think 5 or 6 months long. (on a side note I did gain back that weight but it took like 2 years) Since then I have been in weight loss challenges that my coworkers and I would hold among each other. Each of us putting up 100 dollars and going for 3 or 4 months. I have not won any of these but I did always end up losing 20 pounds at least on each of them. 100 bucks 20 pounds totally worth it to me, lol.
Well I'm in a weight loss challenge and I'm doing Atkins. Now the feeling better and more energy part is working but I've yet to lose any substantial weight. I have been Atkins for almost 3 weeks. I've lost 6 pounds. Everything I've read though says to give it time. There is only less than 3 weeks left so idk we will see. I am in ketosis, I check with the strips. Anyway my weight today is 200, hopefully I can lose more by the time we weigh in on Feb 23, 2015.

Update March 4, 2015
Well I didn't win the weight loss challenge. I did lose 26 pounds, worth 100 bucks to me. I am continuing on my diet though I would like to get to 175 before I quit. I weigh 192 pounds today.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hello World

It's January 2015 the last year I will be in my forties. I have had a lot of great things that has happened to me, as well as some bad things, but all in all I have a had a pretty great life thus far. I have been meaning to start a blog but you know how stuff happens. This year I am working on more DOING. I had success, (also lost it, that's another post) and from that I learned if you want something you have to plan it, then execute it. You must then keep on working on it. So, this is the first post of my new blog. I have a million things I want to say and share. It will take some mind organization if you will, to get it all out cohesively. My plan is to do a little every week, and hopefully I build a cohesive blog full of information, experience or motivation. I feel great, day 1 ,blog number 1 , DONE. :)